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The Health Benefits Of Crafting

The Health Benefits Of Crafting

In today’s society we seem to rush from one thing to the next with no time for ourselves. Social media may well make it easier to stay in touch with others but it can also mean more demands on your time. If you find yourself answering emails and messages outside work time you may need to set some limits between your work and personal life.

An increasing number of people are suffering from stress and related health problems and therefore it is even more important that you make time for yourself. This can be harder than it sounds however. If, even when you stop rushing around and have time to relax, your mind is still spinning with things that need to be done and things you are worried about, it may be a good idea to take up a hobby which helps to relax your mind.

What are the benefits?

Crafts such as sewing, paper crafts or painting need you to focus your mind fully on your task. Being creative allows you to lose yourself in what you are doing and gives your mind a break from the everyday stresses of life.

Repetitive activities such as sewing can help to relieve stress and lower your blood pressure as well as stimulating the creative areas in your brain. This relaxing hobby can also help your co-ordination and hand dexterity and this can improve other areas of your day to day life.

Many people have found that crafting has helped them through spells of depression. This is due to the fact that craft activities tend to engage the mind, making the brain feel more alert as well as allowing people to express themselves emotionally though their work.

What to make

It is a great morale booster to be able to say to someone “I made that” when they admire something that you have created, whether it is in your home or something that you are wearing. You can also build your confidence by creating gifts for other people. A handmade gift that you have thought about and worked on will be cherished more than a shop bought gift.

It is easy to get started and many suppliers offer beginners kits with all that you need. Alternatively, if you have a project in mind there are plenty of items which will help you to bring it to life. If you lack confidence in attempting a craft but have always wanted to try it, the best thing to do is to jump right in and have a go.
There are many courses available which will help you to improve your crafting skills and introduce you to other like-minded people. You need not worry about having things to talk about because you will all have your projects to discuss and it is a great way to make new friends.

The only limit with crafting is your imagination. There are plenty of options, whether you want to give a new lease of life to clothing or make something to wear from scratch. Maybe you’d like to start with something simple such as creating a picture with cross stitch to hang on your wall or some cozy scatter cushions for your home.

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